Saturday, July 11, 2009

rainbow day

A few nights ago it rained a lot and the next day there were huge rainbows everywhere. : )

Racist people piss me off. I've noticed that most of the racist people I've come across are white, and usually old. Just the other day S and I were walking along a narrow path and we stopped to let some people going the opposite way pass. This old white man who was going the opposite way stopped completely and said in a disgusted voice:
"Get outta the way, Chow."
We ignored him and kept walking. It took me a second to realize we'd been insulted, and I was pissed. Next time, I'm gunna say something. He wasn't trying to provoke me to say something, he was being plain rude.
"Whatever, SMITH." Kidding :P
I wish it wasn't such a big controversial issue here, too bad it is. I hear in some places hobos stab asian people on the streets @_@.

Then again, this one time I was standing in the bus and I heard a phone ring. A middle-aged white guy with dreadlocks sitting nearby rummaged through his bag, picked up the phone and went: "Wei?"

Holidays have been awesome fun so far, yay : )
But mum thinks me going out so much is irresponsible, so she gave me a list of chores I have to complete before I can leave the house. Aieh, I don't like growing up : (



P.S. I miss you Oli!
P.P.S. ANDI (the youngest of our group) IS 18 TODAY!
P.P.P.S. Have a safe flight Maddy!
My old friends Candy and Ray are also flying out today, but P.P.P.P.S and P.P.P.P.P.S just look tacky :P
kazmee - k heart s