Sunday, July 26, 2009

"...snowflakes that fall on my nose and eyelashes..."

It's actually quite painful, really.

I love winter coz winter means scarves, slippers, longsleeves, lambskin and a warm snuggly bed x). It also means ice skating anddd...snowboarding!

My WHOLE family went on a trip to the Snowy Mountains these hols :D

First we stopped by Canberra, which is surprisingly pretty at night.

When you're surrounded by snow, there's just so much of it that you don't really take notice after a while. But sometimes you really look, and it's so beautiful. We passed a playground with a thin layer of snow over it, and I really looked.
Btw, snow sparkles like crazy under the sun. Edward Cullen should've just been coated in a layer of it instead of those ineffective special effects.
It was BOILING on the first day, totally unexpected. That is a gross yet awesome picture of my brother's nose.

There was a huuuge horse stable under the hotel dining area (:O) and we got to see a horse show! The trainer spoke to us throughout the whole thing and the way she talked about horses...I dunno. I thought it was a bit ehh how she kept saying the horse must constantly be reminded of its place underneath humans. Dad told me that it was important for horse training though. I'm still kinda concerned but meh, what do I know about horses apart from The Saddle Club.

SNOWBOARDING! Last time we went, me and my brother got pretty good at skiing, so this time we chose snowboards. Let me tell you, as fun as it is, my right thigh and both ankles DIED DURING THE NIGHT.

SNOWFIGHT!!! Bahahaha. But he got me back good. In fact, he freakin' tackled me and pinned me down.

A thick fog descended one morning, so thick that our surroundings started disappearing!

The parents (or as we like to call them, Mum and Dad Pan). ft. Snow.

As I was saying, PAINFUL.
J: I'm thirsy.
K: I don't have any money.
K: Hey it's snowing! Try eating it, maybe you won't be thirsy then. Haha.
J: Haha. *sticks out tongue*
J: OW OW OW OW! *turns around and rubs exposed face with gloves*
And then I tried it, with the same results, hahaha. it's over and uni starts tomorrow. I'm pretty happy with these holidays. I got my L's and my first 10 hours. I finished 's present and started on Andy's. I went shopping too much. I got to spend quality time with my family, old friends, and hunny. AND I've made a dent in my pile of movies/series/dramas to watch. :D

I wish I still had more time to do anything, nothing, but I know it's time to be productive again. I'm going to try be more organized this sem, improve on last sem's system. My marks were ok, but my parents were disappointed. Still got 5 subjects, including a writing course to improve on my crappy skills of expression and essay writing. I'm going to study harder. Aye aye.
kazmee - k heart s