(psst, it's sauce, geddit?)
A long time ago I was in the city and I passed a tiny hole in the pavement. I stopped to look down it and saw that I was standing far above what looked like an underground rubbish dump. I didn't know what to make of it, but it reminded me of Gotham City...
OMG S SENT ME THIS LINK: (embedding disabled)
You Belong With Me
My favourite song by Taylor Swift♥. I haven't watched a music video this much since that guy who did awesome covers of Forever + Take A Bow. It's SOO cute! And there's that gorgeous guy from Hannah Montanaaa...
In high school related news, J took his OC Test last week at SGHS! Aww. He asked me about the MPH and I told him about the bathroom door that creaks louder than a house on fire and how we got a volleyball stuck in the overhead lights :P I asked him to buy me a Pizza Pie from the canteen and not only did he get me 3, but the canteen ladies remembered me! Awwww...I miss high school♥
In other high school related news, I miss China. Geez. I pretty much "grew up" there and I'll probably miss it for the rest of my life, but I don't get that nostalgic until I think about it. Which is what happens when I look at old photos...which is why I avoid looking at them. But they're in My Pictures, so of course I see them sometimes, and I get this huge burst of happiness because those days were so great and so FUN, but then I get this rebounding sadness because I can never go back. It's so depressing. But interestingly my psych lecturer said something the other day about people not reminiscing enough, not taking advantage of their memories, which is the stuff of human existence. So I suppose I should get nostalgic and sad because it means I was once very happy. : )