Monday, May 4, 2009

anywhere but here

Sigh. I've got this really big psych essay due tomorrow and I need to need to need to do it, but all I can think about right now is food. Hahaha.


FAIRY BREAD! The prettiest food.

Blueberries are the best, I used to eat a bowl a day. (They're super expensive now.)

The first oven pizzas I ever made myself.

So there's this salad bar that pops up around the city in different places...
AND TAMARILLO, omg tamarillo. I'm a sucker for tropical fruit :P

Aw. I miss subways with you.

OLD RAINBOW PADDLE POPS. The new ones just aren't as special x(

This looks SO edible.

HAHAHAHA, comfy x)

Aw I can't watch Masterchef tonight...I better go study now...
kazmee - k heart s