…an unlikely dialogue took place between a joker and a thief, where the joker asked the thief “what is the most popular thing in the world?” to which the thief solemnly replied “music”. The joker’s swift riposte was “no you’re wrong, ice cream is more popular, everybody loves it”. Turns out the joker and thief were respectively Ali G and Donald Trump. They actually had a deep and meaningful conversation. True story. In fact, drop everything you’re doing now and watch it ten times, I guarantee that it won’t get old.
I enjoy music. If music was an inflammable liquid I would probably sample it, and then proceed to douse myself in it and ignite myself. I don’t play any instruments, except for the trumpet I had in kindy. It’s completely busted now. Rust has fused everything together so the three buttons are pretty much impossible to press down. It’s tighter than a vagrant, ex-gambling, ex-drinking HECS paying student who has quadruplets to provide for. Tighter than a snake’s armpit and filthier than a rusty trombone. The point I’m getting at is that you don’t need to understand why every good boy deserves fruit to enjoy music. If the events in my day to day life were expressed on a pie chart, “listening to music” would constitute quite a number of hearty mouthfuls. As a result of this, a phenomenon tends to happen when you unexpectedly come across an old song where your brain compulsively reaches out and yanks on the dangly tendrils from the days of yore.
I would like to call it by an awesome acronym like COQ or MAMMS or even NUTS but the letters never work out right. Nevertheless, this remarkable effect becomes increasingly noticeable in relation to both how long ago the song has been released, and the events that took place in the act of listening to the aforementioned song. Consequently, awesome stuff happens like recalling early Saturday mornings spent watching Rage when Aqua’s “Barbie Girl” plays. Singles from 2004 bring back vivid fragments from early years of high school. And that time I walked straight into a pole? Totally has Coldplay written all over it.
See how I just graffittied all over this blog? I’m not sorry. You didn’t waste your time reading this. You fully saw an epic video of Ali G. Now go and watch it again.