Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ef qbsun fou! ?

This is what's been coming out of my printer lately.

Apparently I'm not "computer savvy". -_-.

So these days have been alright. A mix of satisfying procrastination, late night/early morning/bus cramming and just enough sleep. It's not the best mix, but I ended up getting a D in my Linguistics exam and a HD for Chinese, so I'm proud of myself for something.

Volleyball was so hectic last week, it made me feel happy and alive after staying up all night and day to finish my psych essay. It also made me get over the crappy, self-centered people that really got to me that day. : )

But what's really been keeping me going is spending time with some of my favourite people in the world : )

Med Revue was funny! I thought it was pretty smart funny, but I'm told Law and CSE are going to be smarter, so can't wait for those. S is thinking about joining Law Revue...

Me and Ols, pretty walkway night lights.

This is .
aka ie, 2 and Ian.
: )
kazmee - k heart s