Saturday, May 16, 2009

entertainment tonight

I've watched so many movies these days (instead of erm studying), I thought I'd post about some of the awesome ones.

The Last Kiss
I've loved Rachel Bilson since The OC. She's kind of the bad guy in this movie, but she's so cute you forgive her. I love movies about relationships and this one's really nice. The fights scenes are so raw.

The Black Balloon
This movie is brilliant. I was so moved by the problems, and the love. It makes me really feel for all the families out there with an autistic child. Freakin' brilliant.

My Neighbour Totoro
Hayao Miyazaki's films are like magic. Something about them just makes me love them. No, everything about them makes me love them. This family is so positive in the face of hurt and fear, it's inspiring. And totoro is so cute! As in, HAO KE AI OH!!! I want to get a huge plushie totoro now. Haha, I get why Jenieh used to hang a totoro from her phone. My favourite scene is when he gets fuzzly high on the sound of raindrops hitting his umbrella.

An awesome take on the message: Be Yourself. I love modern fairytales and this one is one of the best. It makes you feel all happy. And there's James McAvoy...

Slumdog Millionaire
I saw this with Pling and Puch in January, before it came out here and before it won the Oscar, and I already loved it. Then I watched it again recently and I loved it some more. Jamal and Latika go through so much shit in their lives...God. Probably the most happy a movie ending has ever made me feel.

Little Miss Sunshine
This one I actually saw a few months ago, but it's so good that it's one of my favourite movies of all time. I've watched all of Abigail Breslin's movies ever since.

Oh, I also watched a Chinese movie with my mum called Hua Pi (Painted Skin) with Zhao Wei (XIAO YEN ZI!!!) which was freaky, but good. Very artistically polished, I thought.
Right after I watched it, I felt a huge surge of extra love for my boyfriend x )

There are so many "just okay" movies out there, and you can never really tell until you actually watch it. I can't watch just half a movie, I have to finish it, so I try to only pick "good" movies when I watch something. But of course, I end up watching as much crap as the really great stuff.

I'm a sucker for movies that are meaningful, emotional and real, and that are told in a way that ties it all together. I like happy endings. Moodlifters during unhappy times. I like movies that make me forget about real life or ultimately feel better about it. I like most Disney movies. I have a favouritemoviesfolder that's small and black and contains movies that I'd watch anytime. I recommend all of them and if I trust you I'll lend you.
Ahem, ie, I'm pretty much going to shove all of them into your bag for the holidays : )
kazmee - k heart s